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I am a Fantasy and Science-Fiction novelist from Wales, UK. I have written around twenty books in both genres since 2014, but I have not published all yet.

Out in Kindle and in Paperback formats are all the books listed here and are available in good book stores and on Amazon. I have won the prestigious Silver Book Award for BLACK MASS, from Literary Titan. Also, my first fantasy novel in that series, BLENDER'S STORY, has won great reviews from BookViral.

I'm currently writing the epic fourth book in the series, to be released late in 2024. It will be titled DARK REALMS.

Please leave book reviews at any good book site- Thank you. Beth

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My Story

I lived in Bala, North Wales until I left for college to study Art, Languages and Music, with a view to becoming a Primary Teacher. After qualifying, I taught in Harrow, London for over thirty years before taking early retirement to write.

I moved to a quiet rural setting in Essex so I could write in a peaceful and pretty environment with my partner of twenty-one years (and counting).

I was taken on by publishers William & Brown  to produce my five Sci-Fi novels in the Earth Fleet series.

When I started to write my Fantasy series, Servants of the Wheel, I decided to self-publish on Amazon. I enjoy what I am doing very much and it was a bonus to be awarded the Silver Literary Titan Book Award for my second Fantasy book, Black Mass. The first book, Blender's Story was also highly praised in a review by BookViral.


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